“The day you don’t wake up sore is the day you realize a) you didn’t live life fully the day before, or b) you woke up dead.” – J. Duiven, Equestrian Dressage Trainer
This morning, once again, I shuffled to the bathroom to do the morning necessaries. I leaned two-elbows on either side of the sink and did a swift body scan: inner thighs, hips, some abs, rhomboids, quads feel chatty today, my hair hurts, too. Is that even possible? That was a good ride yesterday.
For almost as long as I can remember, I have awakened with some portion of my body feeling sore. By “sore” I don’t mean injured - rather, some muscle group that experienced exercise the day before was slightly strained – with little teensy tears causing mild inflammation. These tears will quickly mend - the body doing its own version of "amending" to make room for change.
Soreness offers a kinesthetic reflection – a kind of physical journal – for the previous day, telling me not only what I did- but how much I did of it, was it new? creative? a little risky? Weirdly, it also feels kind of good- and alive - very alive.
