Four years retired and yet, at the end of July, a deep tug still pesters my gut: “school is just around the corner tick-tock-tick-tock.” Between a career in higher education and growing up, I spent 54 of my 65 years preparing for the onset of school at the end of August- and planning that preparation always began at the end of July. So, for 54 years the last week of July always felt incredibly fleet, fragile and precious – these were the last days of freely enjoying summer breezes- “sweet days of summer- July is dressed up and playing her tune.”
It’s that time of year again. With deep gratitude, I reminisce “those were good years.” Argo & Lucca look at me with urgent love, asking “ball-ball-ball-ball-ball?” – & we walk outside into the sublime summer sunshine. I breathe in this moment. Retirement Day #1486.
