I have never believed Dance would save the world, although I've always believed it makes the world a better place to save. But recent studies regarding how movement shapes and influences how we think, feel and communicate give me pause. Maybe dance won't save the world, but it certainly has the potential to play an effective role in positively addressing our cultural wounds-du-jour. How is this possible? Please check out my 5-part series "Be Radical: Dance" aka "The Necessary Art."
Dance Part 1: An Antidote for Crazy Times: https://youtu.be/oUjIavdgXV0
Dance Part 2: We Move, Therefore We Think, Therefore We Are: https://youtu.be/G1FyAFY18V0
Dance Part 3: Lessons from History: https://youtu.be/zKDFImGehFA
Dance Part 4: The Biology Behind the Curtain: https://youtu.be/Dc8L5lymR58
Dance Part 5: All Together Now: Communitas: https://youtu.be/iUIoM5lTMpc
